
Shipping 2050

Added 17th June 2019

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Students from Bedminster Down, BTEA, City of Bristol College and and Patchway work with Engineers from BMT, Rolls-Royce, MOD, Babcock, NCCUK and Royal Navy to design concept ships that are fit for an uncertain future.

The programme starts on-board the MV Balmoral a 1950s Inshore Passenger Vessel. Students find out about ship design and why this needs to change to meet increased demand and changing legislations. They then go on to build and present their own ideas in the form of an annotated half-model. Engineers follow up with the students in school to help them improve their models for presentation at an exhibition and Awards Ceremony on-board the ship at the end of the project


Students explore ideas and information about the issues facing shipping and some of the possible solutions

 As models are built the ideas for future ships are discussed

Exploration of the real ship gives context


By the end of the day students are rehearsing and then present ideas for discussion and feedback from the engineers

Students go on to meet up with engineers in their school to complete their models and presentations for exhibition

Hydro-line - This design would emerge as the winneras judged by a panel of engineers

Students and their parents meet the engineers and judges at an exhibition and awards event on the ship

Judging by maritime engineers and architects produces a winner

One of our judges, responsible for aspects of the design and build of HMS Prince of Wales Aircraft Carrier admits to an interest in much smaller boats.


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