
Bristol Loves Tides

Young Scouts (Beavers) visit the MV Balmoral

Added 21st October, 2024

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Bristol Harbour Festival Family Model Boat Race

Added 14th August, 2023

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Young Shipwrights onboard the MV Balmoral

Added 2nd July, 2021

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Christchurch Primary build boats and exploring the Bristol Floating Harbour by boat and foot

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50 Year Ago - SS Great Britain and MV Balmoral

Added 8th July, 2020

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From Dave Basset - celebrating SS Great Britain's return through the history of the MV Balmoral

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Home Learning - Bristol Loves Tides

Added 7th April, 2020

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Short films and resources for learning using the tides to explore history, science the arts and the future.

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Sunderland River Festival

Added 2nd September, 2019

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Community model boat building in the city that has produced more ships than any other city.

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Empire Windrush, Migration Event with Nova Primary School

Added 2nd November, 2018

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Thank goodness this was a real Pilot Cutter

Added 19th October, 2018

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To enrich our work with children who make and sail our cardboard pilot cutters we took a trip on a real pilot cutter.

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Stargazing Events 2018

Added 3rd May, 2018

An info graphic from Susan Baxter who is an editor at

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Shipping 2050 Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

Added 15th October, 2017

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120 Engineering students respond to a future crisis for the globilized economy and shipping in a series of workshops on the MV Balmoral

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Wallscourt Young Shipwrights

Added 31st July, 2017

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Children in Key Stage One build miniature working land yachts

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Shirehampton Primary- build historic boats and visit the Bristol Port

Added 12th July, 2017

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Year 6 pupils build boats and put them in context with a visit to the port

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2017 Annual Cardboard Boat Race at the Bristol Harbour Festival

Added 17th May, 2017

Enter a boat and a team to support the Primary Learning Ships Learning Programme

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British Science Week on the MV Balmoral

Added 20th March, 2017

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Working from a ship under the historic Cargo Cranes in Bristol's Floating Harbour students built Cranes, visited demonstrations of robotics and machines that give mechanical advantage. They also went up and operated a real crane high above the ship.

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Bannerman Road Build Boats at Engine Shed

Added 11th January, 2017

Primary school children visit a business hub on Bristol's Floating Harbour to build boats

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Bristol Loves Tides - Rocket boats

Added 15th December, 2016

A celebration of the highest tides of the year. Rocket powered pilot cutters are sent from Shirehampton to Pill on the old Ferry Crossing

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Wallscourt Farm - KS1 Boat Building. Buiding, Testing, Improving and Racing

Added 4th August, 2016

KS 1 Exploring Transport and Exploration - building wind powered land yachts

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Blaise Loves Tides

Added 18th December, 2015

Blaise Primary a partner school in the Bristol Loves Tides programme goes out on the tides in the Severn Estuary

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Young Shipwrights 2015

Added 20th July, 2015

700 children and 65 volunteers from business build 115 model boats and race them in the Bristol Harbour Festival

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Bristol Loves Tides - Launch Event

Added 9th March, 2015

The highest tides for decades flowed into Bristol on March 22nd following a solar eclipse. This event marks the launch of the Bristol Green Capital Education Programme called Bristol Loves Tides.

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