Ways to improve classroom design using stakeholders as designers as well as teacher's and TA's ingenuity
November 29th and 30th at the NEC arena - Schools are welcome and the event will provide a valuable insight for teachers of science Technology, Engineering and Maths
My Future My Choice invited to work with Bath Spa and The Museum of Bath at Work to support an exciting approach to teacher training led by June Bianchi from the Centre for Research in Arts Education
An event for Key stage 3 students who are thinking about their future and the subjects they could study to help them achieve their potential. The engineering volunteers strongly represented people with a passion or hobby rather than a career and this seemed to have a big impact , especially on girls.
This student BLOG tracks the Academy's engagement with the M Shed Ingenious project and shows how businesses and engineers can be integrated into learning.
Ingenious Project Engineers volunteered to stage a three day Engineering Fair at M Shed Museum in Bristol. The event aimed to test collaborative working between schools, museum, engineering volunteers and businesses. The shared objective was to promote engineering past, present and future, so that children see local engineering history as part of their identity and engineering as something that opens up opportunities for their future. Activities were linked for younger participants through the use of an 'Engineering-Jobs Top-Trump card game designed for the M Shed museum.
Science Association Members explored ways in which young people could learn science and engineering through capturing and utilising the power of the wind.
'My Future Club' is an after school club which runs throughout the year, where children meet with visitors from a wealth of different backgrounds and occupations. Run in a relaxed and informal setting they begin to build a fuller picture of what life outside school is like!
M Shed Museum and Royal Academy of Engineering building a team of Engineers who devise engineering lessons and workshops for all phases of learning using the Museum artifacts as starting point.
Bath Spa University PGCE students use holistic approaches to learning. Exploring how a collective constructing an iconic object will learn about maths, engineering, citizenship and design.
Building and racing model boats from corrugated board is fun and proves an effective team building activity for business staff from all sectors
MFMC is seeking secondary and primary schools willing to trail these activities - All ideas involve working with a classic boat builder and shipwright Warwick Moreton
Children and young people plan improvements, create newness, manage and measure changes in their school