
The Great Aero Art Hunt

Added 27th April 2015

Coordinated by Patchway Community College.

Nine Primary Schools and 450 pupils in Patchway and Filton build aeroplanes and create sculptures based on Aviation Heritage in the south West to commemorate the closing of the runway at Filton.

Over 3000 children in nine schools involved in creating 63 'Aero Sculptures' that are sited across North Bristol and are being hunted by families during the Summer.

For more information on this exciting community project supported by business, schools and families please see this link.

How can you help?

  1. Businesses and venues will be needed to host and display a new sculpture trail project in 2016
  2. Funding and volunteers is needed for a similar project next year

Get in touch to find out more -

0117 3290387 

The 2015 Aero Hunt Project 

May 2015 - 450 Year 5 pupils  complete workshops about flight

Experimenting with lift, drag and thrust.

Using a working replica of George Caley's Whirling Arm first used in 1804.

Building and testing air frames in school using designs by Steve Smith our aviation designer and expert.



May 2015 - 450 children visit the Bristol Aerospace collection

June 2015 - Students from Patchway Community College make CAD designs for armatures for the Aero Sculptures. Bailey Caravans of Bristol step in to produce these using their hi tech cutting machinery.

June 2015 - Year 5 pupils are coached by artist Matt Jeanes to lead the creation of the Aero Hunt Sculptures in their school - Matt coached teams to explore themes for their sculptures. Schools design and make at least one sculpture per year group to make 63 Sculptures.

June /July 2015 - Non flying models of important aircraft from aviation history are built and decorated to be used on the sculptures

aircraft and posters are designed by Steve Smith 


July 2015 - Launch event for the Aero Sculpture Hunt at The Royal West of England Academy

July and August.  Families from all schools hunt the sculptures which are sited across North and central Bristol

Three sculptures are at the The Mall, Cribs Causeway along with the Trail Booklets

10.000 12 page Sculpture Trail Booklets have been produced by ASDAN for schools and public to help families hunt for the 63 sculptures made by 3000 children.

Each sculpture comes with a challenge to find out more about Bristol and the in the history of aviation.


See more about Aviation Workshops in schools




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