Engineering Heroes of the Future - Board Game Design.
Added 18th May 2021

Can You Help?
Royal Academy of Engineering is funding the design and manufacture a board game. The game will be used by 13+ age range to explore the changing nature of work and how the UN Sustainability Goals create opportunities for engineers and entreprenuers.
We will be involving real engineers and businesses in the planning, design (manufacture) and delivery of a team-strategy game where players work together in an attempt to take ideas to market, win contracts and expand a startup business.
We would like to hear from anyone interested in the idea-
- Engineers
- Engineering businesses
- Sustainability consultants
- Business consultants and those with an experience of a Start Up
- Games Designers
- Games Design Course Leaders
- Schools/ community groups with young people 12 -14 year olds
- People who enjoy playing board games
The manufactured game will be made freely available as a valuable resource for schools, community groups, engineers and busineeses wanting to engage with young people in order to
- Promote the value and pupose of science and engineering
- Raise awareness of the UN Sustainabilty Goals
- Generate fun, positive discussions with young people about opportunities for their future
Businesses and engineers will benefit from being connected to schools and training in working with young people using the resources they have co-designed.
Schedule and time commitments
The project starts in June 2021 and will complete in July 2022.
Time commitments vary from attending a two-hour workshop to those who have more sustained involvement with the project across the year ahead.
Development workshops are planned in July 2021 with testing of protypes in December and manufacture of final design in January2022 followed by engineers supporting and running workshops in schools.