Ashton Vale Primary- Children exploring the basis for the Transnational Society and Global Economy they live in.
An experiment in how the resources we are making could be used in schools across Bristol, in particular in regions where there are few people of colour. The challenge to the pupils was to decorate a model of the iconic ship, 'The HMT Windrush' with people they had researched using the 'Windrush Generations Top Trumps Cards, as a starting point.
The activity is held on the ship, MV Balmoral (The People's Liner') helping children empathise with the concept of migration. Researching a stranger with a colourful card was a start point. It encouraged some to create miniature suitcases with letters showing their hopes, fears and concerns for the people they have left behind.The most enthusiastic children imagined themselves as 10 year olds leaving their home on a Caribbean Island for ever while others dealt with their thoughts about the reality of leaving Primary School for Secondary School.